Benefits of Personal/Business Growth coaching

Let us take the rocking chair test. Imagine yourself, sitting down in your favorite rocking armchair, some time in the future.

Ask yourself “what is happening?” Write down all the amazing things that you ever wished for that were important to you. Now, enjoy all the things that you have done, the person you have become, the people you have touched, roads you have traveled and changes that you have made. Let it run into pages. Take as long as you need. Celebrate this life. Personal/Business Growth coaching helps us to cherish what one has and to add value to one’s life.

Adopting a problem solving approach enables one to clear a path when one is in the thicket. We are social beings and benefit from a listening ear and a helping hand. Personal/Business Growth coaching can help to put things in perspective and to see the silver lining surrounding the black cloud.

Knowing where to go, what to do and even pinpointing what one needs can at times be a struggle. Rather than bury one’s head in the sands PPC can be an eye opener as I have heard people say.

When the task seems like eating an elephant, Personal/Business Growth coaching can help to break things down into manageable chunks. Learning how to do this for oneself with the help of the coach can be very satisfying and liberating.

Each of us may have things we wish to give up. Achieving it on one’s own is possible but can be challenging. Let us take procrastination for example. We all do it from time to time. However habitual procrastinators put things off or make excuses when the task needs to be done. This can be very stressful and detrimental to their well being. “Procrastination is the thief of time”. The Personal/Business Growth coaching relationship can be beneficial in helping the individual face up to their challenges.

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